Did you know that there are CS requirements for districts in 2022 & 2023? The Future Ready Iowa Act (House File 2629) was signed into law in June 2020 and includes requirements and timelines for computer science planning and instruction in two phases. Iowa's AEAs are planning supports to help you and your district meet both the requirements and timelines.
K-12 Computer Science Requirements for Districts
In June 2018, K-12 computer science standards were adopted in Iowa. Instruction addressing these standards has been optional for districts.
In June 2020, the Future Ready Iowa Act (House File 2629) was signed into law and includes REQUIREMENTS and TIMELINES for computer science planning and instruction in two phases:
Phase 1 - July 2022:
- By July 1, 2022: All public and non public districts develop & implement a K-12 computer science plan.
- Starting July 2022: High schools must offer one-half unit of computer science beginning. The course may be offered online.
Phase 2 - July 2023:
- Starting July 2023: Provide computer science instruction aligned to the standards in at least one grade level from 1st to 6th.
- Starting July 2023: Provide computer science instruction aligned to the standards in at least one grade level from 7th to 8th.
K-12 Computer Science Supports
Fear not! Each of Iowa's AEA has a CS contact. We've been working to plan and provided supports to help you and your district meet the requirements and timelines. Please contact your AEA's CS contact for information about the supports available in your area.
- Corey Rogers, Grant Wood AEA
- Aaron Maurer, Mississippi Bend AEA
- Gertie Monat, Keystone AEA
- Judy Griffin, Green Hills AEA
- Julie Graber, Prairie Lakes AEA
- Lisa Jacobs, Great Prairie AEA
- Marisa Dahl, Heartland AEA
- Michelle Meier, Central Rivers AEA
- Tyler Youngers, Northwest AEA