CSTA Iowa supports and connects educators across Iowa with teaching Computer Science.
Announcements & Updates
From December 9-15, 2024, we’ll be celebrating Computer Science Education Week—an opportunity to inspire the next generation of problem solvers, innovators, and creators in Iowa! This year’s theme is "CS is Everywhere in Iowa: Be Cybersecure"—highlighting the importance of computer science skills for our future workforce and how cybersecurity is integral to our everyday lives. Computer science education unlocks worlds of opportunity, and CSEdWeek provides a unique platform for youth to explore these opportunities, gain hands-on experience, and dive deeper into how these skills impact the way we work, live, and innovate.
We're partnering with Iowa's AEA's and business partners to highlight and celebrate all of the Iowa Computer Science Heroes across our great state! Whether you're a community & business member, educator, or student, we invite you to use this link to create your own Iowa CS Hero poster. We'll share the posters created with educators to help them easily connect students to CS Heroes in our state.
Did you know that there are Computer Science requirements for all public and accredited non public schools in Iowa included in the Future Ready Act (HF 2629)? Don't panic! There are multiple funding and professional development opportunities to help your district meet the Computer Science Requirements! Each AEA has resources & PD ready to help your district with this work.

CSTA Iowa Newsletters