WHEN: June 12 - 16, 2023, Kickoff evening of Sunday, June 11th
WHERE: University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls (High School Cybersecurity at Waterloo Career Center)
WHO: All PreK-12 Educators, Counselors, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators who will be providing or supporting CS instruction in accredited public and non-public schools that have created a computer science plan
WHY: Support state and K-12 district CS plans and provide equitable access to high-quality CS professional development throughout the state
WHAT: PK-12 Computer Science professional development opportunities ranging from 1 to 5 days in duration from 8:30 - 4:30 each day
What is covered?
Stipends: $150/day Monday - Friday (Sunday not included)
Lodging: UNI dorm suites available Sunday - Thursday night
Food: Breakfast & Lunch provided
Expenses not covered:
Mileage/Travel expenses
Evening meals
Cost of licensure renewal or graduate credit if desired
Register for all PD by May 5: links on AEA CS website or go to the registration system and search for CSPD week
Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis with limited capacity so register soon! If your section is full, please register and you will be put on the waitlist. Registration after the deadline will not guarantee a spot or materials.
Need to get support from your administration? View admin letter template
More information can be found from the Curriculum Director update.
Not able to attend this summer? Iowa’s CS PD Week will move each summer. In 2022, CS PD week was in Ames and 2023 will be in Cedar Falls. We are working to schedule 2024 on the west side of Iowa and will share details once finalized.
Questions? Contact iowa-cs-pd-week@gwaea.org