The statewide AEA CS grant team has a limited number of PD spots open for MS & HS teachers on a first come first serve basis for CS Principles, CS Discoveries, and the Online CS Standards Modules. Teacher stipends are included as well as registration costs. ⚠️ Email Corey Rogers at and include teacher name & email address, the program(s) they are interested in, and their AEA as soon as possible. Registration information will be sent out as soon as seats are confirmed.
The statewide AEA CS grant team has a limited number of spots open on a first come first serve basis:
- CS Principles (9-12) participating teachers will earn $990 of stipend for attending 1 full week of training this summer and 4 full day trainings throughout the 2021-22 school year.
- CS Discoveries (6-8) participating teachers will earn $990 of stipend for attending 1 full week of training this summer and 4 full day trainings throughout the 2021-22 school year.
- Online CS Standards Modules (6-12) participating teacher complete all 4 self-paced module by June 11, 2021 and earn a $250 stipend.
⚠️ Email Corey Rogers at and include teacher name & email address, the program(s) they are interested in, and their AEA as soon as possible. Registration information will be sent out as soon as seats are confirmed.