We're partnering with Iowa's AEA's and business partners to highlight and celebrate all of the Iowa Computer Science Heroes across our great state! Whether you're a community & business member, educator, or student, we invite you to use this link to create your own Iowa CS Hero poster. We'll share the posters created with educators to help them easily connect students to CS Heroes in our state.
To celebrate the 2021 Computer Science Education Week, we're asking all Iowa CS Heroes to help us create a poster celebrating their contribution to computer science in our state like the examples below.

We invite community & business members, educators, and students to choose if they'd like to create their own poster or simply share the information with us. Iowa CS Hero Posters information can be shared using this link.
📣 Please share this link - https://forms.gle/ yHcVb3Gs9XTnZufu6 - with your community & business partners, parents and students!
✏️ Looking for an Hour of Code Lesson? Use this lesson to help your students research and create an Iowa CS Hero Poster.

Stay tuned: CSTA Iowa will share the posters created with educators to help them easily connect students to CS Heroes in our state soon!